If you happen to be dining at Malaysian restaurants in town, you’ll sometimes find this prepacked dessert cake at the counters as you’re paying your bill.
It has two layers, a green custard on top and a glutinous rice base.
This Malay dessert cake is called Kuih Seri Muka - directly translated as “pretty face”.
The green custard is made with pandan juice, a tropical plant with fragrant leaves and a taste that has been described as “grassy vanilla with a hint of coconut”.
Growing up in Malaysia, this is also one of my favourite desserts - often sold by street vendors and at market stalls. I am happy that I am now seeing quite a few places selling them here.
Kuih Seri Muka is also known as Kuih Salat, or Putri Salat in Banjar Indonesia where it is believed to have originated from.
If you haven’t yet tried this delicious Malay dessert, I suggest you pick up a pack the next time you’re at a Malaysian restaurant. I’m sure you’ll love them too.
Petaling Malaysian Restaurant 248A Dominion Road, Mount Eden 09 974 3993
Selera Delights 7 Davis Crescent, Newmarket 09 527 6888
Yuan Taste 19/239 Queen Street, MidCity Mall, Auckland CBD 09 218 9591
Treasure Kitchen Greenlane 530 Great South Road, Greenlane 09 525 1288
Alimteh Food Truck, various market locations. 021 021 66696